Kathryn Malley
Research Operations Coordinator
BSc(Nutr), GradDip(Diet), GradCert (HlthAdm), GradCert (PM)
Kathryn is Research Operations Coordinator for Kids Rehab WA Team, supporting their research projects and cross organisational collaborations between Telethon Kids, CAHS and Curtin University. Kids Rehab WA Research is an embedded clinical research program at Perth Children’s Hospital in the Department of Paediatric Rehabilitation; Kids Rehab.
Kathryn initially qualified and worked as a dietitian in community health for 10 years before deciding to apply her skills more broadly to support other health professionals through effective clinical service planning, leadership, project management and now research. She now provides operational support to the Kids Rehab WA team, including financial, program planning and management and communications support.
Accelerate-WA Network: Developing a sustainable family-clinician-researcher network for education and training in the early detection of cerebral palsy for all infants in Western Australia
Accelerate will develop and pilot, a multi-directorate teaching and training network for early detection of cerebral palsy (CP), encompassing key clinical partners across CAHS and WACHS.
ENVISAGE – ENabling VISions And Growing Expectations
ENVISAGE is a validated evidence-based program of facilitated group workshops for parents and carers of young children, aged 0-8 years, with a newly identified disability or who have concerns regarding their child’s development.
Education and Qualifications
- BSc Nutrition – Curtin University
- Grad Dip Dietetics – Curtin University
- Grad Cert Health Administration – Curtin University
- Grad Cert Project Management – Southern Cross University