In an Australian-first study, researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia are investigating the effects of COVID-19 on the wellbeing of more than 2,000 families in the northern suburbs of Perth, measuring their perceived stress, financial hardship and family functioning during the pandemic.
The ORIGINS Community Wellbeing during COVID-19 Project, the first of its kind in Australia, is a snapshot and longitudinal assessment of a community’s response to the pandemic and will discover how families are coping during this time, recording their experience of living through these uncertain times.
Forced isolation, financial pressures and family being confined together at home can create stress and can temporarily, or even permanently, alter family dynamics, according to Professor Desiree Silva, who is co-leading the study.
“We understand that many families will experience higher levels of stress during this time,” Professor Silva said. “Currently, we don’t have any evidence-based information from community members on how this pandemic is impacting them, in terms of the level and type of emotional distress, financial hardship and family functioning, currently and over the coming months.”
While numerous COVID-related research projects are now emerging – at The Kids Research Institute Australia as well as nationally and internationally – most are focused either on developing and testing a vaccine for the virus, or effective treatments for those who been diagnosed. Few studies are looking at how a whole community is affected (not just those diagnosed with COVID-19) in terms of their financial situation, family functioning and emotional wellbeing.
The project has been incorporated into the existing ORIGINS Project, a $26 million research collaboration between The Kids and the Joondalup Health Campus. This unique long-term project – of which Professor Silva is Co-Director – is following the progress of pregnant women, their partners and babies for the first five years of the baby’s life. It is one of the most comprehensive studies of pregnant women and their families in Australia to date.
“With 3,000 families already recruited, and 2,000 active participants who are eligible to be enrolled in this study, The ORIGINS team is in a unique position to collect information on the wellbeing of a community during this pandemic,” Professor Silva said.
"We see this as an opportunity to be involved in cutting-edge research that will contribute to a better understanding of the impact of this pandemic on a broad range of families in the Wanneroo and Joondalup community.”
Participants will be asked to complete a short questionnaire monthly during the pandemic. They will be asked about their personal situation and experience, including their ‘top three concerns’, and also whether any positives are emerging from their experience. Telehealth interviews with a sub-set of participants will also be conducted. Following the easing of restrictions, the questionnaires will be sent every six months until the ORIGINS child participant reaches five years of age.
Jamee Brien, who has been a participant of The ORIGINS Project since her third child was born three years ago, is taking part in the additional study.
“Being isolated at home with three very energetic young kids can really take its toll,” she said. “I adore my family, but when you add in financial pressures, the constant concern for your family’s health, trying to follow all the rules and do the right thing, it can be really stressful.
“For better or worse, we are spending so much more time together than we normally would and that is already having a real impact on my family.”
Professor Silva anticipates that the information generated will be valuable in planning for future pandemics.
“This is unique and ground-breaking information we are collecting, and we have a chance to share our results both nationally and internationally,” she said.
“The data recorded during this project will be useful in planning essential support services for families during this time and following the pandemic.”
Jamee Brien and her family