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Cord blood Streptococcus pneumoniae-specific cellular immune responses predict early pneumococcal carriage in high-risk infants in Papua New Guinea

We aimed to explore whether newborns in high-risk areas have pre-existing pneumococcal-specific cellular immune responses that effects early acquisition.


The Impact of Early-Life Recurrent Otitis Media in Children on the Psychological Well-Being of Caregivers

Children with early-life recurrent otitis media (OM) will often endure pain, sleep disturbances, and other developmental setbacks that impact the surrounding family system. The aim of this study was to investigate the psychological well-being and family functioning of caregivers of children with early-life recurrent OM (rOM).


Early onset of otitis media is a strong predictor of subsequent disease in urban Aboriginal infants: Djaalinj Waakinj cohort study

Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander children in rural/remote areas suffer high rates of persistent otitis media (OM) from early infancy. We aimed to determine the proportion of Aboriginal infants living in an urban area who have OM and investigate associated risk factors.


The Investigation of Health-Related Topics on TikTok: A Descriptive Study Protocol

The social media application TikTok allows users to view and upload short-form videos. Recent evidence suggests it has significant potential for both industry and health promoters to influence public health behaviours. This protocol describes a standardised, replicable process for investigations that can be tailored to various areas of research interest, allowing comparison of content and features across public health topics.

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Top tips for travelling with an ear infection

Check out our top tips for travelling with an ear infection so that the kids can fly safely and hit the pool in no time.


Distinct Streptococcus pneumoniae cause invasive disease in Papua New Guinea

Streptococcus pneumoniae is a key contributor to childhood morbidity and mortality in Papua New Guinea (PNG). For the first time, whole genome sequencing of 174 isolates has enabled detailed characterisation of diverse S. pneumoniae causing invasive disease in young children in PNG, 1989-2014.


Reducing the Impact of Tinnitus on Children and Adolescents' Lives: A Mixed-Methods Concept Mapping Study

To generate a conceptual framework describing what is done to reduce the impact of chronic tinnitus on the lives of children and adolescents.


Topical versus systemic antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis media

Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM), sometimes referred to as chronic otitis media (COM), is a chronic inflammation and often polymicrobial infection (involving more than one micro-organism) of the middle ear and mastoid cavity, characterised by ear discharge (otorrhoea) through a perforated tympanic membrane. The predominant symptoms of CSOM are ear discharge and hearing loss. Antibiotics are the most common treatment for CSOM, which act to kill or inhibit the growth of micro-organisms that may be responsible for the infection.


Reflections and perceptions of chronic tinnitus during childhood

Reflections and perceptions of chronic tinnitus during childhood


The epidemiological transition in Papua New Guinea: new evidence from verbal autopsy studies

Our results indicate immediate priorities for health service planning and for strengthening of vital registration systems