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Baseline investigations of folate status in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal West Australians prior to the introduction of mandatory fortification

Our study aimed to establish baseline folate status data in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Western Australians.


Neural tube defects in Australia and food fortification with folic acid

Promotion of periconceptional folic acid supplement use began in Australia following publication of randomised trials showing effectiveness.


Polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and blood pressure in adolescents

This study examined cross-sectional associations between BP and dietary intake of PUFAs in 814 adolescents from the RAINE cohort study.


Early diet quality in a longitudinal study of Australian children: associations with nutrition and body mass index later in childhood and adolescence

The aims of this study were to determine whether early childhood dietary quality was associated with (a) infant and adolescent nutrition and (b) body mass...


Exposure to non-core foods and beverages in the first year of life: Results from a cohort study

To report the proportion of Australian infants who were introduced to non-core foods and beverages and to identify associated factors

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Young people suggest anti-smoking style interventions for energy drinks

Researchers conducted a series of group interviews with young people to find out how much they knew about energy drinks and the consequences of drinking them.

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Kids nutrition seminar

Join us at our free public seminar with dietitian and nutritionist Dr Roslyn Giglia will share the latest information on Australian kids' diets.

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Top 10 Tips for kids nutrition and physical activity

The Kids Research Institute Australia dietitian and nutritionist Dr Roslyn Giglia shares her top 10 tips for kids nutrition and physical activity.

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FAQ's - Mandatory fortification with folate

Mandatory fortification with folate frequently asked questions, answered.


Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial evaluating the effect of folic acid supplementation beyond the first trimester on maternal plasma unmetabolised folic acid in late gestation

Taking folic acid containing supplements prior to and during early pregnancy reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Neural tube defects occur prior to 28 days postconception, after which, there is no proven benefit of continuing to take folic acid. However, many women continue to take folic acid containing supplements throughout the pregnancy.