Parent-observed thematic data on quality of life in children with autism spectrum disorderParent observations provide an initial framework for understanding quality of life in autism spectrum disorder
Study protocol for the Australian autism biobank: an international resource to advance autism discovery researchThe Australian Autism Biobank was initiated to establish a large-scale repository of biological samples and detailed clinical information about children diagnosed with ASD
EEG power at 3 months in infants at high familial risk for autismReduced frontal power at 3 months may indicate increased risk for reduced expressive language skills at 12 months.
Sexually dimorphic facial features vary according to level of autistic-like traits in the general populationThe current data provide support for Bejerot et al.'s androgyny account since males and females with high levels of autistic-like traits generally showed...
The effects of JASPER intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic reviewNaturalistic developmental behavioural interventions are promising approaches for young children with, or suspected of having, autism spectrum disorder. Joint attention, symbolic play, engagement and regulation intervention (JASPER) is a well-researched naturalistic developmental behavioural intervention but, to date, no reviews have specifically evaluated its effects.
Occurrence of psychosis and bipolar disorder in adults with autism: A systematic review and meta-analysisEvidence suggests that individuals with autism spectrum disorder have increased rates of co-occurring psychosis and/or bipolar disorder. Considering the peak age of onset for psychosis and bipolar disorder occurs in adulthood, we investigated the co-occurrence of these disorders in adults with autism.
Subgroups of Temperament Associated with Social-Emotional Difficulties in Infants with Early Signs of AutismLinks between temperament and social-emotional difficulties are well-established in normative child development but remain poorly characterized in autism. We sought to characterize distinct temperament subgroups and their associations with concurrent internalizing and externalizing symptoms in a sample of 103 infants showing early signs of autism.
Investigating the impact of autistic children's feeding difficulties on caregiversThe aim of this study was to investigate the influence of children's autism characteristics, sensory profiles and feeding difficulties on caregiver-reported impact at mealtimes.
Use of Neuroimaging to Predict Adverse Developmental Outcomes in High-Risk InfantsWith advances in perinatal care, we have achieved major reductions in mortality in premature and critically ill infants, but they still remain at increased risk of neurodevelopmental disability. In this context, recent advances in neuroimaging are perceived as an addition of significant value to current clinical developmental screening programs.
Caregiver sensitivity predicts infant language use, and infant language complexity predicts caregiver language complexity, in the context of possible emerging autismWhile theory supports bidirectional effects between caregiver sensitivity and language use, and infant language acquisition-both caregiver-to-infant and also infant-to-caregiver effects-empirical research has chiefly explored the former unidirectional path. In the context of infants showing early signs of autism, we investigated prospective bidirectional associations with 6-min free-play interaction samples collected for 103 caregivers and their infants (mean age 12-months; and followed up 6-months later).