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Surgery for rheumatic heart disease in the Northern Territory, Australia, 1997-2016: what have we gained?

Between 1964 and 1996, the 10-year survival of patients having valve replacement surgery for rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in the Northern Territory, Australia, was 68%. As medical care has evolved since then, this study aimed to determine whether there has been a corresponding improvement in survival.


Culturally supported health promotion to See, Treat, Prevent (SToP) skin infections in Aboriginal children living in the Kimberley region of Western Australia: a qualitative analysis

While there are many skin infections, reducing the burden of scabies and impetigo for remote living Aboriginal people, particularly children remains challenging. Aboriginal children living in remote communities have experienced the highest reported rate of impetigo in the world and are 15 times more likely to be admitted to hospital with a skin infection compared to non-Aboriginal children.


Indigenous peoples and inclusion in clinical and genomic research: Understanding the history and navigating contemporary engagement

Despite significant improvements in pediatric cancer survival outcomes, there remain glaring disparities in under-represented racial and ethnic groups that warrant mitigation by the scientific and clinical community. To address and work towards eliminating such disparities, the Pacific Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium (PNOC) and Children's Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) working group in 2020. The DEI working group is dedicated to improving access to care for all pediatric patients with central nervous system (CNS) tumors, broadening diversity within the research community, and providing sustainable data-driven solutions.


Conceptualising Wellbeing for Australian Aboriginal LGBTQA+ Young People

It is likely that young people who are both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and LGBTQA+ would be at increased risk for poor mental health outcomes due to the layered impacts of discrimination they experience; however, there is very little empirical evidence focused on the mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ young people. The current study represents a qualitative exploration of wellbeing among Aboriginal LGBTQA+ young people. 

News & Events

New coalition to end rheumatic heart disease once and for all

Six leading health organisations have joined a new coalition to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia, disproportionately affecting Indigenous Australians.

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New project offers hope for reductions in Indigenous suicide

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership in Mental Health welcomes funding by the Australian Government

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Large-scale study of epigenetic landscape to understand and overcome diabetes in Indigenous Australians

A large-scale study of the epigenetic landscape of Indigenous Australians could help tackle chronic diseases faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

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National guideline to tackle record rates of skin infection

Researchers have developed the first National Healthy Skin Guideline to address record rates of skin infections in Australia’s Indigenous communities.

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Elders insight leads to spine-tingling breakthrough

Dr Michael Wright remembers the 'aha' moment while working with distressed Nyoongar families to identify what was limiting engagement with services.