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Tuberculosis related disability: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The sustainable development goals aim to improve health for all by 2030. They incorporate ambitious goals regarding tuberculosis (TB), which may be a significant cause of disability, yet to be quantified. Therefore, we aimed to quantify the prevalence and types of TB-related disabilities.


WALLABY Pre-Pilot Survey: The effects of angular momentum and environment on the H i gas and star formation properties of galaxies in the Eridanus supergroup

We use high-resolution ASKAP observations of galaxies in the Eridanus supergroup to study their H i, angular momentum, and star formation properties, as part of the WALLABY pre-pilot survey efforts.


Transfluthrin eave-positioned targeted insecticide (EPTI) reduces human landing rate (HLR) of pyrethroid resistant and susceptible malaria vectors in a semi-field simulated peridomestic space

Volatile pyrethroids (VPs) are proven to reduce human-vector contact for mosquito vectors. With increasing resistance to pyrethroids in mosquitoes, the efficacy of VPs, such as transfluthrin, may be compromised. Therefore, experiments were conducted to determine if the efficacy of transfluthrin eave-positioned targeted insecticide depends on the resistance status of malaria vectors.


Seroprevalence and associated risk factors of selected zoonotic viral hemorrhagic fevers in Tanzania

To determine the seroprevalence of selected zoonotic viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHFs) and their associated risk factors in Tanzania.


A fractional land use change model for ecological applications

By mapping land use under projections of socio-economic change, ecological changes can be predicted to inform conservation decision-making. We present a land use model that enables the fine-scale mapping of land use change under future scenarios. Its predictions can be used as input to virtually all existing spatially-explicit ecological models.


Risk factors associated with unsuccessful tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Hunan Province, China

Globally, China has the third highest number of tuberculosis (TB) cases despite high rates (85.6%) of effective treatment coverage. Identifying risk factors associated with unsuccessful treatment outcomes is an important component of maximising the efficacy of TB control programmes.


The prevalence of tuberculosis and malaria in minority indigenous populations of South- East Asia and the Western Pacific Region: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Infectious diseases have been shown to disproportionately affect indigenous populations. Tuberculosis (TB) and malaria continue to impose a significant burden on humanity and are among the infectious diseases targeted within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


COVID-19 in Ethiopia: A geospatial analysis of vulnerability to infection, case severity and death

COVID-19 has caused a global public health crisis affecting most countries, including Ethiopia, in various ways. This study maps the vulnerability to infection, case severity and likelihood of death from COVID-19 in Ethiopia. Thirty-eight potential indicators of vulnerability to COVID-19 infection, case severity and likelihood of death, identified based on a literature review and the availability of nationally representative data at a low geographic scale, were assembled from multiple sources for geospatial analysis. Geospatial analysis techniques were applied to produce maps showing the vulnerability to infection, case severity and likelihood of death in Ethiopia at a spatial resolution of 1 km×1 km.


Geospatial joint modeling of vector and parasite serology to microstratify malaria transmission

The World Health Organization identifies a strong surveillance system for malaria and its mosquito vector as an essential pillar of the malaria elimination agenda. Anopheles salivary antibodies are emerging biomarkers of exposure to mosquito bites that potentially overcome sensitivity and logistical constraints of traditional entomological surveys.


The Prevalence of HIV Infection in Minority Indigenous Populations of the South-East Asia and Western Pacific Regions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

A random effects meta-analysis was used to estimate the pooled prevalence of HIV infection within minority indigenous populations of the South-East Asia (SEAR) and Western Pacific Regions (WPR). Sub-group analyses were conducted, and the sources of heterogeneity explored through meta-regression. The majority of studies were undertaken in high HIV risk subpopulations.