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The Kids researchers help quantify global impact of life-saving vaccines

Researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia have helped map the global impact of life saving vaccines to mark the 50-year anniversary of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI).

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Vaccine trial aims to curb ‘superbug’

Sarah Le Roi knows well how debilitating Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) can be. She was struck down with the 'superbug' while on holiday in the US.

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Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Research Seminar Series 2014

Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccine and Infectious Diseases Research Seminar Series 2014.Genetic and functional studies of leishmaniasis: understanding the role of HLA

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Infectious Disease & Vaccination Public Seminar

Hear the facts about vaccination and infectious disease from some of Australia's leading experts: Professor Jonathan Carapetis, Dr Peter Richmond

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WANTED: 'Flu Busters

Hundreds of healthy volunteers are needed in Perth to test the effectiveness of a current 'flu vaccine.


HPV prevalence in Canberra high school students: significance for vaccination strategies and adolescent health

HPV prevalence in Canberra high school students: significance for vaccination strategies and adolescent health.


A comparison of booster immunisation with a combination DTPa-IPV vaccine or DTPa plus IPV in separate injections when co-administered with MMR

This study evaluated GSK's combined DTPa-IPV vaccine (Infanrix-IPV) given as a fifth consecutive acellular pertussis booster dose in conjunction...


Immunogenicity and boosting following a reduced number of doses of a Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in infants and toddlers

The minimum number of doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine required for protection is not known. We studied the immunogenicity of a reduced schedule in...