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A new method of prenatal alcohol classification accounting for dose, pattern and timing of exposure:

When examining the association between prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal effects, the timing and intensity of exposure have been ignored in epidemiological st


The Demographic and Neurocognitive Profile of Clients Diagnosed With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in PATCHES Paediatrics Clinics

The aim of this study was to describe the demographic and neurocognitive profile of the first 199 individuals diagnosed with FASD in PATCHES Paediatrics clinics


RE-AIM evaluation of a teacher-delivered programme to improve the self-regulation of children attending Australian Aboriginal community primary schools

Benefits in teaching the Alert Program® to students in a region with high reported rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and self-regulation impairment


Maternal Alcohol-Use Disorder and Child Outcomes

The effects of maternal alcohol-use disorder are experienced by the majority of exposed children rather than a vulnerable subgroup of this population


Congenital diaphragmatic hernia: Impact of contemporary management strategies on perinatal outcomes

This study aims to review temporal changes in perinatal management and 1-year survival outcomes of cases of congenital diaphragmatic hernia


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Supports healthcare professionals to understand how to make a diagnosis of FASD and to provide support for those diagnosed with FASD


Mothers’ understanding of infant feeding guidelines and their associated practices: A qualitative analysis

The findings indicated that in spite of continued promotion of the AIFG over the past ten years achieving the around six months guideline is challenging


The provision of alcohol and breastfeeding information by maternal health practitioners in the Australian setting

Despite the existence of a national alcohol guideline for breastfeeding women, maternal health practitioners are not incorporating this advice


Alcohol consumption in a general antenatal population and child neurodevelopment at 2 years

This study examines the association between PAE in the general antenatal population and child neurodevelopment at 2 years, accounting for relevant factors.


Adversity and resilience amongst resettling Western Australian paediatric refugees

Refugee children have complex backgrounds with exposure to multiple traumatic events.