Somatosensory discrimination intervention improves body position sense and motor performance in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsyThe intervention group improved in goal performance, proprioception, and bimanual hand use and maintained improvement at 6-mo follow-up.
Congenital anomalies in cerebral palsy: Where to from here?We have identified that CP registers often do not have quality data on congenital anomalies, necessitating linkage with congenital anomaly registers.
Interobserver reliability of the Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS)The Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale complies with the definition of spasticity and is clinically feasible in paediatric settings
We know from research that the risk of death from respiratory disease is 14 times higher for adults with cerebral palsy than for other adults. Respiratory disease is the most common cause of premature death in children and young people with cerebral palsy and one of the main causes of hospitalisation.
Cause-Specific Secular Trends and Prevention Measures of Post-Neonatally Acquired Cerebral Palsy in Victoria and Western Australia 1975–2014: A Population-Based Observational StudyTo describe the timing and causes of post-neonatally acquired cerebral palsy (PNN-CP) and map the implementation of relevant preventive strategies against cause-specific temporal trends in prevalence.
Can RESPiratory hospital Admissions in children with cerebral palsy be reduced? A feasibility randomised Controlled Trial pilot study protocol (RESP-ACT)The most common cause of morbidity and mortality in children with severe cerebral palsy (CP) is respiratory disease. BREATHE-CP (Better REspiratory and Airway Treatment and HEalth in Cerebral Palsy) is a multidisciplinary research team who have conducted research on the risk factors associated with CP respiratory disease, a systematic review on management and a Delphi study on the development of a consensus for the prevention and management of respiratory disease in CP.
Participate CP 2: optimising participation in physically active leisure for children with cerebral palsy - protocol for a phase III randomised controlled trialChildren with cerebral palsy (CP) participate less in physical activities and have increased sedentary behaviour compared with typically developing peers. Participate CP is a participation-focused therapy intervention for children with CP with demonstrated efficacy in a phase II randomised controlled trial (RCT) to increase perceived performance of physical activity participation goals. This study will test the effectiveness of Participate CP in a multisite phase III RCT.
News & Events
Children and young people with CP needed for respiratory studyWest Australian study will look at the breathing and airway problems of children and with cerebral palsy (CP) to prevent serious respiratory problems
To Feel Belonged: The Voices of Children and Youth with Disabilities on the Meaning of WellbeingThe aim of this paper was to describe the meaning of wellbeing for children and youth with disabilities from their perspective.
Population case-control study of cerebral palsy: Neonatal predictors for low-risk term singletonsFor singletons with cerebral palsy (CP) who were born at term, the goals were (1) to determine the proportion not admitted to a Special Care Unit...