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Human Milk Sodium and Potassium as Markers of Mastitis in Mothers of Preterm Infants

This prospective longitudinal study examined changes in milk sodium concentration (Na) and sodium:potassium ratio (Na:K), microbiological culture, milk production, and breast health in relation to mastitis after preterm birth.


Maternal diet during breastfeeding: Could it influence food allergy risk in children?

Human milk is rich in immuno-modulatory factors that have the potential to shape immune development and influence allergy risk in children. In this article, we describe how breast milk may contribute to making the infant less prone to developing allergies.


Food variety at 2 years of age is related to duration of breastfeeding

The aim of this study was to investigate the association of breastfeeding duration and food variety at 2 years of age.


Breastfeeding duration and academic achievement at ten years

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between duration of breastfeeding and educational outcomes.


Modern and traditional diets for Noongar infants

Breast- & bottle-feeding patterns & the introduction of solid feeds & sugar containing drinks to the dietary intake of a cohort of urban Aboriginal infants


Allergen shedding in human milk: Could it be key for immune system education and allergy prevention?

In addition to being a source of nutrients for the developing newborn, human milk contains thousands of bioactive compounds, which influence infant health in the short-term as exemplified by its major benefits on infectious disease prevention. Many of the human milk compounds also have the required characteristics to instruct immune development and guide long-term health.


Designing evaluation plans for health promotion mHealth interventions: A case study of the Milk Man mobile app

An evaluation planning approach for mHealth interventions that could be adapted for use by health promotion practitioners and researchers


A study to prolong breastfeeding duration: Design and rationale of the Parent Infant Feeding Initiative (PIFI) randomised controlled trial.

This study aimed to measure the effectiveness of three interventions designed to increase the duration of breastfeeding among new parents in urban areas.


Predictors of breastfeeding duration for rural women in a high-income country: Evidence from a cohort study

Despite high breastfeeding initiation rates in Australia, few mothers exclusively breastfeed their infants to six months. This is particularly evident in...


Specific IgA, but Not IgG, in Human Milk from COVID-19-Infected Mothers Neutralizes SARS-CoV-2

This study highlights the importance of human milk in providing anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 immunity to newborns. The highest protective activity of human milk against COVID-19 was found in colostrum from infected mothers.