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Ear Portal: An urban-based ear, nose, and throat, and audiology referral telehealth portal to improve access to specialist ear-health services for children

Shortage of ear, nose, and throat specialists in public hospitals can result in delays in the detection and management of otitis media. This study introduced a new hospital-based telehealth service, named the Ear Portal, and investigated its role in improving access to specialist care.

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New funding to support innovative research projects

Two The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams have been awarded more than $3.5 million to fund innovative projects.


ISOM 2023 research Panel 4 - Diagnostics and microbiology of otitis media

To identify and review key research advances from the literature published between 2019 and 2023 on the diagnosis and microbiology of otitis media (OM) including acute otitis media (AOM), recurrent AOM (rAOM), otitis media with effusion (OME), chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) and AOM complications (mastoiditis). 


The association between otitis media in early childhood with later behaviour and attention problems: A longitudinal pregnancy cohort

The present study aims to investigate the association between an early history of recurrent otitis media (OM) with or without ventilation tube insertion and later behavioural problems in childhood and adolescence.

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National funding for bright ideas targeting ear infections and dangerous fungi

Two projects led by The Kids Research Institute Australia have been awarded more than $2.5 million to fund innovative ideas focused, respectively, on combating persistent ear infections and investigating how dangerous fungi invade the bodies of immunocompromised people.

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Australian-first study set to unveil major impact of ear disease on Aboriginal children

Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have been awarded a $1.1 million NHMRC ‘Targeted Call for Hearing Health’ grant to conduct the first ever study following Aboriginal babies from birth through to five years to uncover the true prevalence of middle ear infections and hearing loss.

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Inaugural Winner of the Deborah Lehmann Research Award

Congratulations goes to Celestine Aho, the inaugural winner of the $30,000 Deborah Lehmann Research Award.

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Aboriginal researcher receives Fiona Stanley Medal

Aboriginal researcher Annette Stokes has been awarded the Fiona Stanley Medal for her commitment to improving child health and wellbeing.


Neutrophil Extracellular Traps and Bacterial Biofilms in Middle Ear Effusion of Children with Recurrent Acute Otitis Media

Bacteria persist within biofilms on the middle ear mucosa of children with recurrent and chronic otitis media however the mechanisms by which these...


Children with otitis media mount a pneumococcal serotype specific serum IgG and IgA response comparable to healthy controls after pneumococcal conjugate vaccination

We investigated the suggestion that otitis-prone children have an impaired antibody response in the context of pneumococcal vaccination.