Twenty-five-year survival for aboriginal and caucasian children with congenital heart defects in Western Australia, 1980 to 2010Long-term survival was lower for Aboriginal children with congenital heart defects
Improving cardiovascular outcomes among Aboriginal Australians: Lessons from research for primary carePrimary care practitioners have an important role in improving Aboriginal cardiovascular care outcomes
The emerging role of the urban-based aboriginal peer support worker: A Western Australian studyAboriginal Peer Support Workers identified their emerging integral role in the development of this unique culturally acceptable home visiting support for Aboriginal parents
Development of the Aboriginal Communication Assessment After Brain Injury (ACAABI): A screening tool for identifying acquired communication disorders in Aboriginal Australians.Acquired communication disorders (ACD), following stroke and traumatic brain injury, may not be correctly identified in Aboriginal Australians
Working TogetherThis exciting new edition includes several new chapters that deliver an even more robust and high quality resource. It examines issues across the life course,..
Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-relatedWe investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.
Violence Risk Assessment in Australian Aboriginal Offender Populations: A Review of the LiteratureThe utilization of violence risk instruments in forensic populations is increasing and a plethora of empirical investigations support their ability to...
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New national guideline set to tackle skin infectionsWhen health organisations in the north-west of WA requested urgent action to address the region’s high rate of skin infections, Dr Asha Bowen answered the call.
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Study finds high rates of chronic lung disease in remote-living Aboriginal childrenAlmost one in five children across four remote Kimberley communities has some form of chronic lung disease, according to a new study co-designed and conducted in partnership with Aboriginal communities.
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Homes crucial for healthy earsThe Kids researchers discovered that overcrowding is the strongest predictor of carriage of bacteria that cause otitis media