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The NICE-GUT trial protocol: A randomised, placebo controlled trial of oral nitazoxanide for the empiric treatment of acute gastroenteritis among Australian Aboriginal children

Diarrhoeal disease is the second leading cause of death in children under 5 years globally, killing 525 000 annually. Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereafter Aboriginal) children suffer a high burden of disease.


Group A Streptococcus M1T1 Intracellular Infection of Primary Tonsil Epithelial Cells Dampens Levels of Secreted IL-8 Through the Action of SpyCEP

Our results suggest that intracellular infection with the pathogenic GAS M1T1 clone induces a strong pro-inflammatory response in primary tonsil epithelial cells


Dedicated paediatric Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy medical support: a pre-post observational study

We examined the impact of introducing a dedicated team to OPAT, to define the role of increased medical oversight in improving patient outcomes in this cohort.


How many doses make a difference? An analysis of secondary prevention of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

increased adherence to penicillin prophylaxis is associated with reduced acute rheumatic fever recurrence and a likely reduction in mortality


Scabies and risk of skin sores in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: A self-controlled case series study

The association between scabies and skin sores is highly significant and indicates a causal relationship


Changes in the clinical and epidemiological features of group A streptococcal bacteraemia in Australia's Northern Territory

This study adds to emerging data suggesting increasing importance of iGAS in low- and middle-income settings globally.


Controlling acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in developing countries: Are we getting closer?

Improved opportunities for the primary prevention of ARF now exist, because of point-of-care antigen tests for Streptococcus pyogenes, and clinical decision...


Screening for rheumatic heart disease: Quality and agreement of focused cardiac ultrasound by briefly trained health workers

After brief training, health workers with no prior experience in echocardiography can obtain adequate quality images and make a reliable assessment


Streptococcus, Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease: Epidemiology and Clinical Considerations

A directed approach to the differential diagnosis of acute rheumatic fever now includes the concept of low-risk versus medium-to-high risk populations