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Is the broad autism phenotype in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder exacerbated by the challenges of caring for their children?

This qualitative study of parental interviews provided a preliminary examination of whether behaviours consistent with the BAP may have been exacerbated by...


Experiences Impacting the Quality of Life of Mothers of Children With Autism and Intellectual Disability

Mothers of autistic children and adults bewtween 11 and 24 years old were interviewed about the impacts and rewards associated with their children's disability.


Multigenerational Familial and Environmental Risk for Autism (MINERvA) Network

The MINERvA Network will allow more accurate and precise determination of the contributions of familial and environmental factors to the etiology of autism.



Asperger's, also known as Asperger syndrome (AS), is a type of autism spectrum disorder that affects social skills, social interaction and nonverbal communication.


CRISPR-Cas9-generated PTCHD1 2489T>G stem cells recapitulate patient phenotype when undergoing neural induction

An estimated 3.5%-5.9% of the global population live with rare diseases, and approximately 80% of these diseases have a genetic cause. Rare genetic diseases are difficult to diagnose, with some affected individuals experiencing diagnostic delays of 5-30 years. Next-generation sequencing has improved clinical diagnostic rates to 33%-48%. In a majority of cases, novel variants potentially causing the disease are discovered. 


The first six months of life: A systematic review of early markers associated with later autism

There is now good evidence that behavioural signs of autism spectrum conditions (autism) emerge over the first two years of life. Identifying clear developmental differences early in life may facilitate earlier identification and intervention that can promote longer-term quality of life. Here we present a systematic review of studies investigating behavioural markers of later autism diagnosis or symptomology taken at 0-6 months.

News & Events

Launch of National Autism Guideline

Researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia, working with the Autism CRC, have led the development of the National Guideline for the Assessment and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Australia which was launched today.

News & Events

Autism Researcher a Finalist for Western Australian of the Year

Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been named a finalist in the 2023 Western Australian of the Year Awards for his work in transforming clinical support for autistic children in Australia.

News & Events

The Kids Research Institute Australia’s CliniKids wins national disability award

CliniKids has won the Excellence in Allied Health category at the inaugural National Disability Awards, announced in Melbourne tonight.