Fetal Testosterone, Socio-Emotional Engagement and Language DevelopmentThe present study investigated the relations among fetal testosterone, child socio-emotional engagement and language development...
No association between early gastrointestinal problems and autistic-like traits in the general populationNo association between early gastrointestinal problems and autistic-like traits in the general population, determine whether gastrointestinal problems, early...
Prenatal maternal stress associated with ADHD and autistic traits in early childhoodResearch suggests that offspring of mothers who experience high levels of stress during pregnancy are more likely to have problems in neurobehavioral...
Maternal life events during pregnancy and offspring language ability in middle childhoodThere is accumulating evidence for a link between maternal stress during pregnancy and later behavioural and emotional problems in children.
Cell phone use by adolescents with Asperger SyndromeWhile young people have generally been at the forefront of the adoption and use of new communications technologies, little is known of uses by exceptional youth
The broader language phenotype of Autism: A comparison with Specific Language ImpairmentSome individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) experience linguistic difficulties similar to those found in individuals with specific language...
Prevalence and outcomes of young people with concurrent autism spectrum disorder and first episode of psychosisIndividuals with concurrent first episode of psychosis and ASD can present with distinct clinical characteristics that require specialised assessment and treatment
Relationship between early motor milestones and severity of restricted and repetitive behaviors in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorderThis study provides the first evidence for the association between restricted and repetitive behaviors and age of attainment of early motor milestones.
Acoustic Properties of Cries in 12-Month Old Infants at High-Risk of Autism Spectrum DisorderThere is preliminary evidence that infant siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have an atypical pattern of crying
Investigating facial phenotype in autism spectrum conditions: The importance of a hypothesis driven approachThe identification of differences in the facial phenotype of individuals with ASC may contribute to efforts to promote early identification of the condition and help elucidate etiological pathways.