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Child development at school entry and student wellbeing six years later

It has been well established that children's development at school entry is associated with their later academic achievement, but less is known about whether there is also an association with other measures of school success, such as students' social and emotional wellbeing.


Wellbeing and academic achievement paper

In this report, we explore the relationship between student wellbeing, school engagement, and academic achievement.



The importance of play for a child’s development is irrefutable. Playgroups provide a safe environment for children of similar ages to play and develop prior to starting school.

News & Events

Playgroup program transforms early learning in Tonga

In Australia, community playgroups are seen as the ‘soft touch’. But a research project in Tonga is finding the benefits can last a lifetime.


Review of the quality of evidence for preschool and school-based programs to support social and emotional skills, perseverance and academic self-concept

This project provides guidance to help school leaders review the evidence for different programs, as well as a review of universal, evidence-based pre-school and school-based social and emotional learning programs available in Australia.


Randomised Controlled Trial of a Therapeutic Playgroup for Children with Developmental Delays

A single-blind randomised control trial investigated the effectiveness of the Learn, Engage and Play (LEaP) playgroup. Seventy-one children with developmental delay were randomly allocated to an 8-week LEaP playgroup or control group and followed up at 12 and 28 weeks.


The Power of Playgroups: Key components of supported and therapeutic playgroups from the perspective of parents

Playgroups are community-based programs for children and families aiming to improve child outcomes, enhance family and community networks and increase parenting capacity. Despite the prevalence of playgroups in Australian communities there is a lack of research clearly articulating the key components of playgroups, specifically from the perspective of parents attending these groups.


Playgroup participation and social support outcomes for mothers of young children: A longitudinal cohort study.

This study aimed to examine friendship networks and social support outcomes for mothers according to patterns of playgroup participation.


Is vegetation cover in key behaviour settings important for early childhood socioemotional function? A preregistered, cross-sectional study

The environmental influences on early childhood development are understudied. The association between vegetation cover (i.e., trees, shrubs, grassed areas) in four key behaviour settings and socioemotional functioning was investigated in 1196 young children (2–5 years).