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Service agreementsWe are currently working through several clinical audits to ensure that we are meeting our service delivery standards and governance requirements. As part of this, we have audited our Service Agreements to ensure that we have a signed agreement on file for all our clients. This agreement is an NDIS
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Frangipani Family Day 2023CliniKids held Frangipani Family Day recently – an event organised to honour the wonderful contribution of its much loved and dearly missed colleague, the late Kate Sorensen.
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Celebrating our OTsTo celebrate World Occupational Therapy (OT) day, we asked our Occupational Therapists to describe what OT means to them.
Characterising Insistence on Sameness and Circumscribed Interests: A Qualitative Study of Parent PerspectivesManifestations of insistence on sameness and circumscribed interests are complex, with individuals varying considerably, not only in the types of behaviours they express, but also in terms of a behaviour's frequency, intensity, trajectory, adaptive benefits, and impacts.
A pilot evaluation of school-based LEGO robotics therapy for autistic studentsThere is emerging evidence that LEGO® therapy is an effective way of supporting younger autistic children develop their communication and social skills. LEGO® robotics therapy - which uses the principles of LEGO® therapy applied to LEGO® robotics - may be an age-appropriate intervention to reduce anxiety and increase social skills in autistic adolescents.
Developmental Mismatch Across Brain Modalities in Young ChildrenBrain development during the preschool period is complex and extensive and underlies ongoing behavioral and cognitive maturation. Increasing understanding of typical brain maturation during this time is critical to early identification of atypical development and could inform treatments and interventions.
Harmonizing the CBCL and SDQ ADHD scores by using linear equating, kernel equating, item response theory and machine learning methodsA problem that applied researchers and practitioners often face is the fact that different institutions within research consortia use different scales to evaluate the same construct which makes comparison of the results and pooling challenging.
Assessing Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours in Online-Sampled Autistic and Non-autistic Individuals: Factor Structure of the Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire for Adults (RBQ-2A)The Repetitive Behaviours Questionnaire for Adults (RBQ-2A) measures two factors of restricted and repetitive behaviours (RRBs) associated with autism. However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) provides four criteria for RRBs: repetitive motor behaviours, insistence on sameness, restricted interests, and interest in sensory aspects of the environment (or atypical sensitivity).
Estimated Therapy Costs and Downstream Cost Consequences of iBASIS-Video Interaction to Promote Positive Parenting Intervention vs Usual Care Among Children Displaying Early Behavioral Signs of Autism in AustraliaThe growing global prevalence of autism spectrum disorder is associated with increasing costs for support services. Ascertaining the effects of a successful preemptive intervention for infants showing early behavioral signs of autism on human services budgets is highly policy relevant.
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World-first video trial to help babies at risk of autism thriveVideo technology is helping researchers learn more about the early communication style of infants with a family history of autism, ADHD or intellectual disability.