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First Nations populations' perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and myths about prevention and bereavement in stillbirth: a mixed methods systematic review protocol

The objective of this review is to investigate First Nations populations' perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and myths about stillbirth.


Cardiometabolic Risk Markers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Youths: A Systematic Review of Data Quality and Population Prevalence

Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus are leading contributors to the health inequity experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and their antecedents can be identified from early childhood. We aimed to establish the quality of available data and the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk markers among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youths (0-24-year-olds) to inform public health approaches.


Mapping national, regional and local prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Ethiopia using geospatial analysis

This study aimed to map the national, regional and local prevalence of hypertension and diabetes in Ethiopia.


An investigation of parental mental health among the Aboriginal population in Western Australia, and its impact on children’s outcomes

Carrington Fiona Shepherd Stanley PhD FAA FASSA MSc MD FFPHM FAFPHM FRACP FRANZCOG HonDSc HonDUniv HonFRACGP HonMD HonFRCPCH HonLLB (honoris causa)


Genetic Research and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians

Human genetic research promises to deliver a range of health benefits to the population. Here we consider how the different levels of Indigenous research...


Investigating disparity in access to Australian clinical genetic health services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

Globally, there is a recognised need that all populations should be able to access the benefits of genomics and precision medicine. However, achieving this remains constrained by a paucity of data that quantifies access to clinical genomics, particularly amongst Indigenous populations.


Disparities in severe neonatal morbidity and mortality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal births in Western Australia: a decomposition analysis

The health disadvantages faced by Australian Aboriginal peoples are evidenced in early life, although few studies have focused on the reasons for population-level inequalities in more severe adverse outcomes. This study aimed to examine the scale of disparity in severe neonatal morbidity (SNM) and mortality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal births and quantify the relative contributions of important maternal and infant factors.


Stillbirth risk prediction using machine learning for a large cohort of births from Western Australia, 1980–2015

Almost half of stillbirths could be potentially identified antenatally based on a combination of factors


Exploring factors impacting early childhood health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities

The impact of perinatal outcomes, maternal social and health outcomes and level of culturally secure service availability on the health outcomes of Western Australian Aboriginal infants and children