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Resilience amongst Australian Aboriginal youth: An ecological analysis of factors associated with psychosocial functioning

We investigate whether the profile of factors protecting psychosocial functioning of high risk exposed Australian Aboriginal youth are the same as those...


Incidence of malignant mesothelioma in Aboriginal people in Western Australia

The Wittenoom mining operation has had a disproportionate effect on malignant mesothelioma incidence in the local Aboriginal population


Decolonising Australian Psychology: Discourses, Strategies, and Practice

This paper discusses the role of psychology in Australia and the negative impact that certain disciplinary theories and practices have had on Aboriginal and...


Examining the risk factors for suicidal behaviour of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children...

While the majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are travelling on track or exceeding across all developmental domains...


Delivering Elder- and Community-Led Aboriginal Early Childhood Development Research: Lessons from the Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort Project

We describe the application of a participatory action research methodology that is grounded in Aboriginal worldviews


Relevance of Aboriginal Peer-Led Parent Support: Strengthening the Child Environment in Remote Areas

This research highlights the critical emerging role of peer support workers in home visiting family support in a remote area of Australia


Wongi mi bardup (doing it our way): Methodologies promoting Aboriginal knowledges and cultural practices for Birthing on Noongar Boodjar

This paper sets out the methodological and theoretical considerations which framed how the Birthing on Noongar Boodjar project was conducted


Identifying young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in linked administrative data: A comparison of methods

In the ongoing debate on optimum methods for identification of Indigenous people within linked administrative data, few studies have examined the impacts of method on population counts and outcomes in family-based linkage studies of Aboriginal children.


Modelling factors for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander child neurodevelopment outcomes: A latent class analysis

This study highlights a range of unique profiles that can be used for improving the early development of young Aboriginal children


BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through Culture

Bring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention