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News & Events

Diabetes education at home trial

We recently ran a study to compare the traditional model of care with a family-friendly, slower-paced, home-based alternative.

News & Events

HbA1c Target of 7%, and 7 initiatives we are doing to achieve this

We have recently set up an HbA1c working party, tasked with the mission of lowering the overall HbA1c across all patients and clinics run by PMH.

Diabetes film series

A new series of educational videos about managing Type 1 Diabetes and its challenges

CGM comparison tool

This easy-to-use comparison device of CGM devices is designed to help you pick the right device for your family.

Our track record

A list of the Children's Diabetes Centre's research track record.

Transition from child to adult services

The period of transition between paediatric (child) services and adult-based services is a sensitive one for patients with diabetes.

Community Involvement Frameworks and Guidelines

The Rio Tinto Children’s Diabetes Centre is committed to increasing the community voice in diabetes research at all levels to ensure our research is

Talking about type 1 diabetes

A new research study conducted by Professor Jeneva Ohan and Dr Keely Bebbington aims to develop our understanding of how adolescents navigate these disclosure decisions, and how we can support them to feel more confident when talking to others about their diabetes.


Use of linked administrative and laboratory data to confirm that serum 25(OH)D levels in pregnant women can be predicted from satellite estimates of ultraviolet radiation

Serum 25 hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] levels of pregnant women have been linked to various health outcomes in their offspring. Satellite-derived ultraviolet radiation (UVR) data have been used as a proxy for 25(OH)D levels, as individual-level cohort studies are time-consuming, costly and only feasible for common outcomes.