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Understanding the implementation of health checks in the prevention and early detection of chronic diseases among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia: a realist review protocol

Chronic disease remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia. Regular structured, comprehensive health assessments are available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as annual health checks funded through the Medicare Benefits Schedule.


Strengthening assessment and response to mental health needs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and adolescents in primary care settings: study protocol for the Ngalaiya Boorai Gabara Budbut implementation project

Opportunities for improved mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people lie in improving the capability of primary healthcare services to identify mental healthcare needs and respond in timely and appropriate ways.


Aboriginal perspectives on recognising clinical deterioration in their child and communicating concerns to clinicians

To explore the perspectives of family members of Aboriginal children about a) their involvement in recognising clinical deterioration in a hospital setting and b) the effectiveness of a poster designed to promote family involvement.


Resilience, renewal and hope in Australian Indigenous-led primary health care initiatives

Citation: Marriott R, Reibel T. Resilience, renewal and hope in Australian Indigenous-led primary health care initiatives. Prim Health Care Res Dev.


Getting to the heart of the matter: a research partnership with Aboriginal women in South and Central Australia

Within the vast majority of qualitative health research involving Indigenous populations, Indigenous people have been marginalised from research conceptualisation and conduct. This reflects a lack of regard for Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing, has served to perpetuate deficit narratives of Indigenous peoples’ health and wellbeing, and contributes to failure in addressing inequities as a result of ongoing colonisation and institutionalised oppression and racism.


Severe maternal morbidity following stillbirth in Western Australia 2000–2015: a population-based study

There is scant literature about the management of stillbirth and the subsequent risk of severe maternal morbidity (SMM). We aimed to assess the risk of SMM associated with stillbirths compared with live births and whether this differed by the presence of maternal comorbidities.


Wongi mi bardup (doing it our way): Methodologies promoting Aboriginal knowledges and cultural practices for Birthing on Noongar Boodjar

This paper sets out the methodological and theoretical considerations which framed how the Birthing on Noongar Boodjar project was conducted


The impact of maternal prenatal mental health disorders on stillbirth and infant mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Evidence about the association between maternal mental health disorders and stillbirth and infant mortality is limited and conflicting. We aimed to examine whether maternal prenatal mental health disorders are associated with stillbirth and/or infant mortality. MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, and Scopus were searched for studies examining the association of any maternal prenatal (occurring before or during pregnancy) mental health disorder(s) and stillbirth or infant mortality. A random-effects meta-analysis was used to calculate pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The between-study heterogeneity was quantified using the I2 statistic. Subgroup analyses were performed to identify the source of heterogeneity.


Recognition and Management of Protracted Bacterial Bronchitis in Australian Aboriginal Children: A Knowledge Translation Approach

Chronic wet cough in children is the hallmark symptom of protracted bacterial bronchitis (PBB) and if left untreated can lead to bronchiectasis, which is prevalent in Indigenous populations. Underrecognition of chronic wet cough by parents and clinicians and underdiagnosis of PBB by clinicians are known.


Relevance of Aboriginal Peer-Led Parent Support: Strengthening the Child Environment in Remote Areas

This research highlights the critical emerging role of peer support workers in home visiting family support in a remote area of Australia