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The Contribution of Geogenic Particulate Matter to Lung Disease in Indigenous Children

The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between dust levels and health in Indigenous children in Western Australia


Longitudinal study of language and speech of twins at 4 and 6 years: Twinning effects decrease, zygosity effects disappear, and heritability increases

This study investigates the heritability of language, speech, and nonverbal cognitive development of twins at 4 and 6 years of age.


Serotonin and aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents: a systematic review

Findings were mixed, with support both for negative and for positive associations of central nervous 5-HT function with aggression in children and adolescents


Impact of the Friendly Schools whole-school intervention on transition to secondary school and adolescent bullying behaviour

These findings demonstrate the immediate value of whole-school interventions to reduce bullying behaviour and associated harms among students


Measuring the impact of genetic knowledge on intentions and attitudes of the community towards expanded preconception carrier screening

Having good genetic knowledge may not be enough to understand core concepts of preconception carrier screening


If it's about me, why do it without me? Genuine student engagement in school cyberbullying education

This study reports on a three-year group randomized controlled trial, the Cyber Friendly Schools Project, aimed to reduce cyberbullying among grade 8 students


Associations between school absence and academic achievement: Do socioeconomics matter?

School attendance should therefore be a priority for all schools, and not just those with high rates of absence or low average achievement.


Childhood atopy and mental health: a prospective, longitudinal investigation

Findings are the first linking atopy (measured by both parent report and objective verification) with increased vulnerability to affective and anxiety problems


Nowhere to Go and Nothing to Do but Sit? Youth Screen Time and the Association With Access to Neighborhood Destinations

With not much to do in their neighborhood, youth may spend more time in the home engaged in screen-based activities


Reactive aggression in young patients with ADHD—a critical role for small provocations

ADHD is one of the most commonly diagnosed disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry and is characterized by attentional deficits, hyperactivity, and impulsivity