The role of emotion beliefs in depression, anxiety, and stressBeliefs about the controllability and usefulness of emotions may influence successful emotion regulation across multiple emotional disorders and could thus be influential mechanisms in long-term mental health outcomes. However, to date there has been little empirical work in this area.
Psychometric Properties of the Polish Version of the Perth Emotional Reactivity ScaleThe Perth Emotional Reactivity Scale (PERS) is a 30-item self-report questionnaire that assesses the ease of activation, intensity, and duration of negative and positive emotions. Our study aimed to introduce and validate the Polish version of the PERS.
Exercise and Gender Services for Young PeopleTrans and gender diverse young people are at very high risk for poor mental health, self-harming, and suicide attempts.
Indigenous Australian perspectives on the perinatal period: Social well-being, culture and early infant attachmentsAlthough social factors and culture are significant determinants of health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, little is known academically about key interpersonal and social experiences of this population during the perinatal period, or how early attachments are formed through culture. This study addressed this gap in the literature.
The implementation of exercise therapy within hospital-based mental healthcare: Delphi studyThe physical health comorbidities and premature mortality experienced by people with mental illness has led to an increase in exercise services embedded as part of standard care in hospital-based mental health services. Despite the increase in access to exercise services for people experiencing mental illness, there is currently a lack of guidelines on the assessment and triage of patients into exercise therapy.
Impact of Cardiovascular Imaging Results on Medication Use and Adherence: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisCardiovascular imaging results offer valuable information that can guide health decisions, but their impact on medication use and adherence is unclear. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the downstream impact of cardiovascular imaging results on medication use and adherence.
Understanding parent perspectives on engagement with online youth-focused mental health programsOnline youth-focused health programs often include parent modules—that equip parents with skills to assist their child in improving their health—alongside youth-specific content. BRAVE Self-Help, an evidence-based program designed for children and teenagers with early signs of anxiety, is a popular Australian program that includes six parent modules.
A sport-based mental health intervention for children at risk of mental illnessWe know that sport, when the appropriate environment is provided, can be an enriching experience for children – with many physical and mental health benefits.
Parent and Child Engagement in Family-oriented Therapies for Childhood ObesityThis project will be conducted in conjunction with the Perth Childrens Hospital Health Weight Service (PCHHWS) and will involve three phases.
The Role of Grandparents in Facilitating Children’s Physical ActivityResearch suggests there is considerable opportunity to improve children's movement behaviors while they are being cared for by their grandparents. An understanding of the extent to which grandparent practices facilitate children's engagement in physical activity is critical to the development of health interventions targeting grandparent caregivers.