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Navigating 'the system' to find supports and services for people with developmental disability: How can research help make this a better journey?

Parents navigate what can be a confusing world of early intervention services, residing in the health, disability and/or education sectors


Evaluation of a public education campaign to support parents to reduce adolescent alcohol use

The Parents, Young People and Alcohol campaign achieved high awareness and positively influenced parental outcomes


Development and Assessment of Cumulative Risk Measures of Family Environment and Parental Investments in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

This study aimed to derive and assess summary indices of three domains of the family environment, including a Family Stress Index, Home Education Index and Parenting Index


Life in a time of COVID: retrospective examination of the association between physical activity and mental well-being in western Australians during and after lockdown

The aim of this study was to examine physical activity and sedentary behaviours during Western Australia's COVID-19 lockdown and their association with mental well-being.


Victim-Survivors, Family and Domestic Violence Service Providers and Support People: Identification of Priority Issues for Research and Translation into Policy and Practice

The rates of family and domestic violence (FDV) remain significantly high in Australia, and to address this, we need to ensure that victim-survivors of FDV are at the centre of these efforts. The research objective was to determine priority issues for future research and policy in FDV as determined by victim-survivors of FDV, providers of FDV services and informal support people.


“It helps and it doesn’t help”: maternal perspectives on how the use of smartphones and tablet computers influences parent-infant attachment

As families increase their use of mobile touch screen devices (smartphones and tablet computers), there is potential for this use to influence parent-child interactions required to form a secure attachment during infancy, and thus future child developmental outcomes. Thirty families of infants (aged 9-15 months) were interviewed to explore how parents and infants use these devices, and how device use influenced parents' thoughts, feelings and behaviours towards their infant and other family interactions.


Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents sentenced to detention in Western Australia with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

Youth with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are under-recognised in the justice system, warranting improved identification. This study aimed to compare neuropsychological profiles of adolescents, with and without PAE and identify neuropsychological tasks predictive of PAE-group membership. It was hypothesised that participants with PAE would score significantly lower on neuropsychological tests.


Pathways of Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Peer Bullying in Children and Youth: A Scoping Review

Growing up in socioeconomic disadvantage increases risk of peer bullying at school. Both socioeconomic status and involvement in bullying are predictive of a range of adverse developmental outcomes. However, neither (a) the mechanisms whereby disadvantage increases bullying risk nor (b) the developmental outcomes for which bullying may mediate disadvantage are clear. 


Dietary intake of omega-3 fatty acids and risk of depressive symptoms in adolescents

Previous randomized controlled trials have demonstrated that omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) are beneficial in reducing symptoms of depression.


Common mental disorders: missed opportunity for smoking prevention and cessation

Common mental disorders: missed opportunity for smoking prevention and cessation