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Current parenteral nutrition practice and clinical outcomes of term and late preterm infants: A retrospective study

Limited studies have described parenteral nutrition (PN) practices and clinical outcomes in term and late preterm infants. The aim of this study was to describe the current practice of PN in term and late preterm infants and their short-term clinical outcomes.


Shoulder dystocia in babies born to Aboriginal mothers with diabetes: a population-based cohort study, 1998–2015

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women with diabetes in pregnancy (DIP) are more likely to have glycaemic levels above the target range, and their babies are thus at higher risk of excessive fetal growth. Shoulder dystocia, defined by failure of spontaneous birth of fetal shoulder after birth of the head requiring obstetric maneuvers, is an obstetric emergency that is strongly associated with DIP and fetal size.


Contribution of vaccination to improved survival and health: modelling 50 years of the Expanded Programme on Immunization

WHO, as requested by its member states, launched the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) in 1974 to make life-saving vaccines available to all globally. To mark the 50-year anniversary of EPI, we sought to quantify the public health impact of vaccination globally since the programme's inception.


Improving the Diagnosis and Treatment of Paediatric Bronchiectasis Through Research and Translation

Bronchiectasis, particularly in children, is an increasingly recognised yet neglected chronic lung disorder affecting individuals in both low-to-middle and high-income countries. It has a high disease burden and there is substantial inequity within and between settings. Furthermore, compared with other chronic lung diseases, considerably fewer resources are available for children with bronchiectasis. 


Pathways of Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Peer Bullying in Children and Youth: A Scoping Review

Growing up in socioeconomic disadvantage increases risk of peer bullying at school. Both socioeconomic status and involvement in bullying are predictive of a range of adverse developmental outcomes. However, neither (a) the mechanisms whereby disadvantage increases bullying risk nor (b) the developmental outcomes for which bullying may mediate disadvantage are clear. 


Early moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and maternal diet impact offspring DNA methylation across species

Alcohol consumption in pregnancy can affect genome regulation in the developing offspring but results have been contradictory. We employed a physiologically relevant murine model of short-term moderate prenatal alcohol exposure resembling common patterns of alcohol consumption in pregnancy in humans. 


Australian children's physical activity and screen time while in grandparental care

The objective of this study was to explore Australian children's engagement in physical activity and screen time while being cared for by their grandparents.


Early literacy skills: review of evidence for pedagogical approaches that best support children’s early literacy skills

Recent evidence indicates that a child’s home learning environment is the strongest predictor of success in later reading abilities and that for children not receiving structured language and reading support at home.


Evaluating Early Childhood Education and Care

Evaluating Early Childhood Education and Care

Friendly Schools

Friendly Schools is the first Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Anti-bullying Initiative for schools developed through extensive research with Australian children and adolescents.