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“Sometimes Our Mob Don't Really Take It Serious Until It's Serious”: The Experiences of Western Australian Aboriginal Adolescents Living With Type 2 Diabetes, Their Parents, and Their Family Members

In Australia, Aboriginal children experience disproportionate rates of type 2 diabetes (T2D) compared with non-Aboriginal children. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of Aboriginal adolescents with T2D and their family members to better understand the influences of T2D on self-management, with findings used to inform an enhanced service model of care.


A Long-Term Evaluation of Facebook for Recruitment and Retention in the ENDIA Type 1 Diabetes Pregnancy-Birth Cohort Study

The Environmental Determinants of Islet Autoimmunity (ENDIA) study is an Australia-wide pregnancy-birth cohort study following children who have a first-degree relative with type 1 diabetes (ACTRN1261300794707). A dedicated ENDIA Facebook page was established in 2013 with the aim of enhancing recruitment and supporting participant retention through dissemination of study information.


Mental Health During Late Pregnancy and Postpartum in Mothers With and Without Type 1 Diabetes: The ENDIA Study

Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes are each associated with increased anxiety and depression, but the combined impact on well-being is unresolved. We compared the mental health of women with and without type 1 diabetes during pregnancy and postpartum and examined the relationship between mental health and glycemic control.

News & Events

Handing over the reins: letting teens take charge

"This system definitely helped with my diabetes management, especially overnight, and helped to keep my blood sugars as stable as possible which was fantastic,"

The centre

The Centre includes researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia’s Diabetes Research Team and the Diabetes Service at the Perth Children’s Hospital.

Research fellows

Read about the research fellows at the Children's Diabetes Centre, Martin de Bock, Aveni Hayes, Ashleigh Lin and Marie-Anne Burckhardt.

PhD Students

Read about the students currently undertaking their PhD as a part of the Children's Diabetes Centre.

News & Events

Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science

To celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we asked some of the research team to share why science is the key to success and their tips for encouraging girls who want to pursue a career in STEM.

News & Events

National Committee Update

What the national committee have been working on