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Topical antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis media

We are uncertain about the effectiveness of topical antibiotics in improving resolution of ear discharge in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media


High concentrations of middle ear antimicrobial peptides and proteins are associated with detection of middle ear pathogens in children with recurrent acute otitis media

Elevated antimicrobial proteins and peptides and cytokines in middle ear effusion are a marker of inflammation and bacterial persistence


Antibiotics versus topical antiseptics for chronic suppurative otitis media

To assess the effectiveness of antibiotics versus antiseptics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media.


Identifying barriers and facilitators for the effective diagnosis and provision of primary health care for otitis media from the perspective of carers of Aboriginal children

To identify the barriers and facilitators for timely detection and optimal management of otitis media in Aboriginal children in a primary care setting from the perspective of carers of Aboriginal children. 


The Impact of Waiting Times on Behavioral Outcomes for Children with Otitis Media: Results from an Urban Ear, Nose, and Throat Telehealth Service

Children with otitis media (OM) experience long waiting times to access Australia's public hospitals due to limited capacity. The aim of this article is to utilize an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) telehealth service (the Ear Portal) to examine whether delayed access to specialist care is associated with poorer behavioral outcomes for children with OM.

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Project helps Ethan belong

Ethan recently took part in Belong, a study led by The Kids which aims to ensure deaf and hard of hearing kids have a happy & positive school experience

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Homes crucial for healthy ears

The Kids researchers discovered that overcrowding is the strongest predictor of carriage of bacteria that cause otitis media

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Prestigious fellowship to help end the cycle of painful ear infections

A The Kids Research Institute Australia ear health researcher has received a prestigious national fellowship to support her search for new therapies to improve the lives of kids who suffer repeat middle ear infections.