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Risk of Developmental Disorders in Children of Immigrant Mothers: A Population-Based Data Linkage Evaluation

Increased risk of autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability and cerebral palsy with intellectual disability for mothers of some foreign-born groups


Investigating falls in adults with intellectual disability living in community settings and their experiences of post-fall care services

This study will determine the rate of falls among older adults with ID living in community based settings, which will assist to identify the extent of this problem


Measurement of Sedentary Behaviors or "downtime" in Rett Syndrome

This study aimed to validate measures of sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndrome.

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Improving health access for children and families living with intellectual disability

A project led by The Kids Research Institute Australia’s child disability team will seek to reduce potentially preventable hospitalisations and build health literacy for children and young people with intellectual disability.

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Feeding change helps keep kids with intellectual disability out of hospital

Children with intellectual disability who underwent gastrostomy – a feeding tube placed into the stomach – had better overall health and fewer hospitalisations for all causes except acute respiratory illnesses, research led by The Kids Research Institute Australia has found.


Admissions in Children with Down Syndrome: Experience of a Population-Based Cohort Followed from Birth

This study describes patterns of hospitalisations for children and young people with Down syndrome in Western Australia.


The Western Australian family connections genealogical project: Detection of familial occurrences of single gene and chromosomal Disorders

This study utilised a Western Australian (WA) genealogical database for the identification of single gene and chromosome disorders among families.


The experiences of mothers of young adults with an intellectual disability transitioning from secondary school to adult life

The transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school...


Evaluation of the processes of family-centred care for young children with intellectual disability in Western Australia

Government early intervention services for children with intellectual disability (ID) in Western Australia have adopted the model of family-centred care.


International trends of Down syndrome 1993-2004: Births in relation to maternal age and terminations of pregnancies

The aim of this study was to examine trends of Down syndrome (DS) in relation to maternal age and termination of pregnancies (ToP) in 20 registries