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The prevalence of and potential risk factors for Developmental Language Disorder at 10 years in the Raine Study

This study sought to determine the prevalence of Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in Australian school-aged children and associated potential risk factors for DLD at 10 years.


Late talkers and later language outcomes: Predicting the different language trajectories

The aim of the current study was to investigate the risk factors present at 2 years for children who showed language difficulties that persisted

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The Kids researcher awarded prestigious EU Horizon 2020 grant

Professor Cate Taylor, is part of an International cohort of researchers to secure over €1.45million in grant funding from the EU’s Horizon 2020 programme.


Robustness, risk and responsivity in early language acquisition

Language is a robust developmental phenomenon, characterised by rapid and prodigious growth.


Inner speech impairment in children with autism is associated with greater nonverbal than verbal skills

We present a new analysis of Whitehouse, Maybery, and Durkin's (2006, Experiment 3) data on inner speech in children with autism (CWA).


Joint attention and parent-child book reading

Good language development is an integral component of school readiness and academic achievement.


Parent–child book reading across early childhood and child vocabulary in the early school years

The current study investigated the extent to which low levels of joint attention in infancy and parent-child book reading across early childhood increase the...


Does cerebral lateralization develop? A study using functional transcranial Doppler ultrasound assessing

In the majority of people, language production is lateralized to the left cerebral hemisphere and visuospatial skills to the right.


Caregiver sensitivity predicts infant language use, and infant language complexity predicts caregiver language complexity, in the context of possible emerging autism

While theory supports bidirectional effects between caregiver sensitivity and language use, and infant language acquisition-both caregiver-to-infant and also infant-to-caregiver effects-empirical research has chiefly explored the former unidirectional path. In the context of infants showing early signs of autism, we investigated prospective bidirectional associations with 6-min free-play interaction samples collected for 103 caregivers and their infants (mean age 12-months; and followed up 6-months later).