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“He Sees his Autism as a Strength, Not a Deficit Now”: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Investigating the Impact of Strengths-Based Programs on Autistic Adolescents

Recent studies have reported that strengths-based programs, leveraging autistic adolescents' abilities and interests, could improve their skills and facilitate social engagement. However, little is known about the long-term impact of strengths-based approaches. This study aimed to explore the long-term outcomes of community strengths-based programs designed to support autistic adolescents in developing interests and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) and the factors influencing their participation in these programs.


Characterising Insistence on Sameness and Circumscribed Interests: A Qualitative Study of Parent Perspectives

Manifestations of insistence on sameness and circumscribed interests are complex, with individuals varying considerably, not only in the types of behaviours they express, but also in terms of a behaviour's frequency, intensity, trajectory, adaptive benefits, and impacts.


Harmonizing the CBCL and SDQ ADHD scores by using linear equating, kernel equating, item response theory and machine learning methods

A problem that applied researchers and practitioners often face is the fact that different institutions within research consortia use different scales to evaluate the same construct which makes comparison of the results and pooling challenging.

News & Events

Computer algorithm links facial masculinity to autism

A new study led by The Kids Research Institute Australia has found a link between masculine facial features and autism.


A randomised-controlled trial of a behavioural intervention for optimising social and communication development in newborns at increased likelihood of autism spectrum disorders

Andrew Kandice Matt Melissa Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Varcin Cooper Licari PhD M.Psych (Clinical), PhD BCA Marketing, BSc


The CliniBank Study: A research project to improve future clinical supports for children experiencing developmental difficulties

Andrew Gemma Gail Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Upson Alvares PhD BSc MClinAud MBA PhD Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism


The relationship between personality traits and psychotic like experiences in a large non-clinical adolescent sample

Our findings suggest that the chance of having psychotic like experiences is more likely for adolescents with certain personality traits.


Diet in the early years of life influences cognitive outcomes at 10 years: A prospective cohort study

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between diet during the first 3 years of life and cognitive outcomes at 10 years of age.


The association between perinatal testosterone concentration and early vocabulary development

Prenatal exposure to testosterone is known to affect fetal brain maturation and later neurocognitive function.