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The EU Child Cohort Network’s core data: establishing a set of findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR) variables

The Horizon2020 LifeCycle Project is a cross-cohort collaboration which brings together data from multiple birth cohorts from across Europe and Australia to facilitate studies on the influence of early-life exposures on later health outcomes. A major product of this collaboration has been the establishment of a FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data resource known as the EU Child Cohort Network. Here we focus on the EU Child Cohort Network's core variables.


Prevalence and risk factors of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region: a scoping review protocol

Fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, low birth weight and stillbirth are adverse birth outcomes that are prevalent in low-income and middle-income settings such as the Pacific Island region. It is widely accepted that the excess burden of adverse birth outcomes is attributable to socioeconomic and environmental factors that predispose families to excess risk. Our review seeks to determine the prevalence of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region and to identify the risk factors of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region.


Language and literacy in the context of early life adversity

This chapter considers the role of different forms of psychosocial adversity as risk factors for compromised language and literacy development in childhood and adolescence. Language skills play a central role in the development of prosocial interpersonal skills as well as promoting academic success through the transition to literacy.


Exploring genotype-phenotype relationships in the CDKL5 deficiency disorder using an international dataset

Characterized by early-onset seizures, global developmental delay and severe motor deficits, CDKL5 deficiency disorder is caused by pathogenic variants in the cyclin-dependent kinase-like 5 gene. Previous efforts to investigate genotype-phenotype relationships have been limited due to small numbers of recurrent mutations and small cohort sizes. Using data from the International CDKL5 Disorder Database we examined genotype-phenotype relationships for 13 recurrent CDKL5 variants and the previously analyzed historic variant groupings. We have applied the CDKL5 Developmental Score (CDS) and an adapted version of the CDKL5 Clinical Severity Assessment (CCSA), to grade the severity of phenotype and developmental outcomes for 285 individuals with CDKL5 variants.


Research using population-based administration data integrated with longitudinal data in child protection settings: A systematic review

Over the past decade there has been a marked growth in the use of linked population administrative data for child protection research. This is the first systematic review of studies to report on research design and statistical methods used where population-based administrative data is integrated with longitudinal data in child protection settings.


Lung abnormalities do not influence aerobic capacity in school children born preterm

Children born preterm have impaired lung function and altered lung structure. However, there are conflicting reports on how preterm birth impacts aerobic exercise capacity in childhood. We aimed to investigate how neonatal history and a diagnosis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) impact the relationship between function and structure of the lung, and aerobic capacity in school-aged children born very preterm.


Associations between biological and sociodemographic risks for developmental vulnerability in twins at age 5: a population data linkage study in Western Australia

To investigate the prevalence of, and associations between, prenatal and perinatal risk factors and developmental vulnerability in twins at age 5.

News & Events

National campaign shows importance of early childhood brain development

A national campaign launched on Channel 7’s Telethon aims to build community understanding of the amazing untapped potential of a baby’s developing brain, through a remarkable animated creature.


Early development of emerging and English-proficient bilingual children at school entry in an Australian population cohort

Children who enter school with limited proficiency in the language of instruction face a range of challenges in negotiating this new context, yet limited...


Provision of Engagement Services for the AEDC

Support services to the Department of Education and Training and the AEDC State and Territory Coordinators and their support staff across Australia.