Risk factors associated with post-tuberculosis sequelae: a systematic review and meta-analysisPost-tuberculosis (TB) sequelae present a significant challenge in the management of TB survivors, often leading to persistent health issues even after successful treatment. Identifying risk factors associated with post-TB sequelae is important for improving outcomes and quality of life of TB survivors. This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to identify risk factors associated with long-term physical sequelae among TB survivors.
Interventions to prevent post-tuberculosis sequelae: a systematic review and meta-analysisTuberculosis (TB) remains a global public health challenge, causing substantial mortality and morbidity. While TB treatment has made significant progress, it often leaves survivors with post-TB sequelae, resulting in long-term health issues.
Undernutrition increases the risk of unsuccessful treatment outcomes of patients with tuberculosis in Ethiopia: A multicenter retrospective cohort studyWhile undernutrition has been identified as a common risk factor for tuberculosis (TB), its impact on treatment outcomes has yet to be investigated in high TB burden and low-income countries such as Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of undernutrition on treatment outcomes among patients with TB in northwest Ethiopia.
Protocol for spatial prediction of soil transmitted helminth prevalence in the Western Pacific region using a meta-analytical approachSoil transmitted helminth infections are estimated to impact 24% of the world's population and are responsible for chronic and debilitating morbidity. Disadvantaged communities are among the worst affected and are further marginalized as infection prevalence fuels the poverty cycle.
Geospatial joint modeling of vector and parasite serology to microstratify malaria transmissionThe World Health Organization identifies a strong surveillance system for malaria and its mosquito vector as an essential pillar of the malaria elimination agenda. Anopheles salivary antibodies are emerging biomarkers of exposure to mosquito bites that potentially overcome sensitivity and logistical constraints of traditional entomological surveys.
Development and validation of a risk prediction model for pulmonary tuberculosis among presumptive tuberculosis cases in EthiopiaEarly diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) is one of the key strategies to achieve the WHO End TB targets. This study aimed to develop and validate a simple, convenient risk score to diagnose pulmonary TB among presumptive TB cases.