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Constitutive Activation of RAS/MAPK Pathway Cooperates with Trisomy 21 and Is Therapeutically Exploitable in Down Syndrome B-cell Leukemia

Children with Down syndrome (constitutive trisomy 21) that develop acute lymphoblastic leukemia (DS-ALL) have a 3-fold increased likelihood of treatment-related mortality coupled with a higher cumulative incidence of relapse, compared with other children with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL).


CD8α+ DCs are not the sole subset cross-presenting cell associated tumor antigens from a solid tumor

CD8α+ DCs are not the sole subset cross-presenting cell associated tumor antigens from a solid tumor


Successful treatment of a child with acute monoblastic leukaemia who relapsed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: A rare lineage switch

Rishi S. Kotecha MB ChB (Hons) MRCPCH FRACP PhD Co-Head, Leukaemia Translational Research Co-Head, Leukaemia


The dystroglycan receptor maintains glioma stem cells in the vascular niche

These findings reveal a central role of the DG receptor, not only as a structural element, but also as a critical factor promoting mesenchymal-like GBM


Accumulation of CD103+ CD8+ T cells in a cutaneous melanoma micrometastasis

Results support the emerging concept that CD103+ CD8+ tissue‐resident memory T cells are key mediators of cancer surveillance


PI3K activation in neural stem cells drives tumorigenesis which can be ameliorated by targeting the cAMP response element binding protein

Our findings present a novel mouse model for glioma demonstrating that the PI3K pathway is important for initiation of tumorigenesis


Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome during chemotherapy for childhood medulloblastoma: Report of a case and review of the literature

We report a patient with high-risk anaplastic medulloblastoma who developed severe HSOS during her second cycle of maintenance chemotherapy.


Comparative drug screening in NUT midline carcinoma

The NUT midline carcinoma (NMC) is a rare but fatal cancer for which systematic testing of therapy options has never been performed.


Interactions between acute lymphoblastic leukemia and bone marrow stromal cells influence response to therapy

The cure rate for pediatric patients with B precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (pre-B ALL) is steadily improving, however relapses do occur despite...