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The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers share in State Government science grants

Four The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are among those who have received funding in the WA State Government's Merit Award Program announced today.

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Twins talk half as much at two

A world first study of language development in toddler twins confirms the widely held belief that twins start to talk later than single-born children.

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Language Study Reveals Need for Long Term Monitoring

A new study looking at the receptive language development of young children has highlighted the need to monitor kids over time to ensure they don't fall behind.

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How learning to talk is in the genes

Researchers from Perth's The Kids Research Institute Australia have been part of an international study that has found that genetic factors contribute to the development of l

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Most late-talking toddlers turn out ok

The study is the first of its kind to track language delay from two years of age through to late adolescence, using data collected from the long running Raine

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Late talking toddlers: new research debunks the myths

New research findings from the world's largest study predicting children's late language emergence has revealed that parents are not to blame for late talking


Adolescent education outcomes and maltreatment: The role of pre-existing adversity, level of child protection involvement, and school attendance

Maltreated children are at high risk for low educational achievement, however few studies have accounted for confounding risk factors that commonly co-occur (including child, family and neighbourhood risk factors) and results have been mixed, particularly for adolescents.


Common variation near ROBO2 is associated with expressive vocabulary in infancy

In this paper we conduct a genome-wide screen and follow-up study of expressive vocabulary in toddlers of European descent from up to four studies of the...


Early Vocabulary Development of Australian Indigenous Children: Identifying Strengths

The current study sought to increase our understanding of the factors involved in the early vocabulary development of Australian Indigenous children.