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International consensus on use of continuous glucose monitoring

This article summarizes the ATTD consensus recommendations and represents the current understanding of how CGM results can affect outcomes.


Quantification of walking-based physical activity and sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndrome

Quantifying individual's with Rett syndrome with the ability to walk, walking based activities and sedentary time, analyzing a variety of influences.


Comparable glycemic outcomes for pediatric type 1 diabetes patients in metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions of Western Australia

This study reports similar glycemic outcomes for patients attending diabetes clinics in metropolitan and non-metropolitan areas of WA, suggesting that a model of care provided as outreach from a specialized diabetes service is effective in achieving equitable glycemic outcomes.


Ultraviolet radiation, Vitamin D and the development of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type-2 diabetes

Emerging findings suggest a protective role for ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and sun exposure in reducing the development of obesity and cardiometabolic dysfunction, but more epidemiological and clinical research is required that focuses on measuring the direct associations and effects of exposure to UVR in humans.


Exercise management in type 1 diabetes: A consensus statement

This Review provides an up-to-date consensus on exercise management for individuals with type 1 diabetes who exercise regularly.


Endocrine and metabolic consequences due to restrictive carbohydrate diets in children with type 1 diabetes: An illustrative case series

The promotion of a low carbohydrate diet in media is in contrast to published pediatric diabetes guidelines that endorse a balanced diet from a variety of foods


Closed Loop Study – Day and Night Feasibility Study

A Closed-Loop System will potentially have a major impact upon acute and chronic complications of diabetes as well as upon their quality of life.



Investigating changes in retinopathy, aortic intima media thickness & heart rate variability, indicators of macrovascular disease & autonomic neuropathy


Epidemiology of hypoglycaemia in childhood-onset diabetes in Western Australia

Investigating the demographic, lifestyle and diabetes management factors associated with the incidence of severe hypoglycemia