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Video: One brave little girl's battle with Rett syndrome

Imagine your baby is developing normally, then suddenly she starts losing skills. Watch Marlee's story below and find out what researchers are doing.

News & Events

International award for Rett syndrome research

A Perth medical researcher responsible for major advancements in the understanding of the neurological disorder Rett syndrome has had her efforts recognised


Perspectives on hand function in girls and women with Rett syndrome

Hand function is particularly affected and we discuss theoretical and practical perspectives for optimising hand function in Rett syndrome.


The experiences of mothers of young adults with an intellectual disability transitioning from secondary school to adult life

The transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school...


What does the nature of the MECP2 mutation tell us about parental origin and recurrence risk in Rett syndrome?

The MECP2 mutations occurring in the severe neurological disorder Rett syndrome are predominantly de novo, with rare familial cases. The aims of this study...


Barriers to diagnosis of a rare neurological disorder in China-Lived experiences of Rett syndrome families

Fourteen of 74 Chinese families known to the International Rett Syndrome Phenotype Database participated in this qualitative study.


The diagnostic odyssey to Rett syndrome: The experience of an Australian family

The diagnosis of a rare disorder is dependent on the clinician's particular knowledge and experience, and can be challenging when the presentation is variable.


Guidelines for management of scoliosis in Rett syndrome patients based on expert consensus and clinical evidence

To develop guidelines for the clinical management of scoliosis in Rett syndrome through evidence review and consensus expert panel opinion.