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Dr Janessa Pickering

Dr Janessa Pickering is a research microbiologist with expertise in the molecular diagnostics and host pathogen interactions of upper respiratory tract pathogens that cause disease in children.

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Preventing RHD through community-driven activities

Health activities driven by remote Indigenous communities may be key to the sustainable and successful treatment and prevention of a potentially fatal disease, a study has found.

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The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers finalists for 2016 Eureka Prizes

Three Perth researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have today been named finalists for the 2016 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.

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New Rheumatic Heart Disease Centre

The Kids Research Institute Australia is proud to announce the launch of a world class Centre of Research Excellence in rheumatic heart disease (RHD).


Prevention of rheumatic fever and heart disease: Nepalese experience

Historically, many young people suffered severe valvular disease and died awaiting heart valve replacement.


Priorities for improved management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

The results suggest that timely injection and patient education are priorities for managing ARF and RHD, particularly focusing on child-to-adult transition care


The high prevalence and impact of rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy in First Nations populations in a high-income setting: a prospective cohort study

Rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy persists in First Nations people in Australia and New Zealand and is associated with major cardiac and perinatal morbidity


Time to tackle rheumatic heart disease: Data needed to drive global policy dialogues

This report provides an update on the contemporary global and regional policy landscapes relevant to rheumatic heart disease