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Consumption of energy drinks is associated with depression, anxiety, and stress in young adult males: Evidence from a longitudinal cohort study

Energy drinks (EDs) claim to boost mental performance, however, few studies have examined the prospective effects of EDs on mental health. This study examined longitudinal associations between ED use and mental health symptoms in young adults aged 20 years over a 2-year period.


Understanding obesity among companion dogs: New measures of owner's beliefs and behaviour and associations with body condition scores

The findings provide a method for assessing a wide range of factors that may be associated with obesity among companion dogs


The Challenges of Being Physically Active: A Qualitative Study of Young People With Type 1 Diabetes and Their Parents

Benefits of physical activity are well recognized for youth with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), but being active is challenging. In this study, we aimed to investigate the challenges experienced by adolescents, their parents and young adults with T1DM when they are physically active.


Nature play and fundamental movement skills training programs improve childcare educator supportive physical activity behavior

Both the Nature play and fundamental movement skills professional development programs were effective in improving educators’ self-efficacy to engage children


Exploring stakeholders' perceptions of the acceptability, usability, and dissemination of the australian 24-hour movement guidelines for the early years

This study examined stakeholders' perceptions regarding the acceptability, usability, and dissemination of the Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines


PLAYCE@Home - understanding the impact of COVID-19 on children’s physical activity, health & development

Hayley Andrea Liz Phoebe Christian Nathan Wenden George BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BHlthSc (hons), PhD BHlthSc MPH BSc(Neuro), MPH Program


Parents' Perceptions of the Neighbourhood Built Environment Are Associated with the Social and Emotional Development of Young Children

The influence of the neighbourhood built environment on young children's physical development has been well-documented; however, there is limited empirical evidence of an association with social and emotional development. Parental perceptions of the neighbourhood built environment may act as facilitators or barriers to young children's play and interactions in their local environment. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between parents' perceptions of the neighbourhood built environment and the social-emotional development of children aged two-to-five years.


A mobile health intervention to encourage physical activity in children: a randomised controlled trial

Despite immense benefits of physical activity on health and developmental outcomes, few children achieve recommended daily levels of physical activity. Given more than half of families with children own a dog, we investigated the effect of a mobile health (mHealth) intervention to encourage dog-facilitated physical activity through increased family dog walking and children's active play with their dog.


Prevalence and Correlates of Observed Sun Protection Behaviors Across Different Public Outdoor Settings in Melbourne, Australia

Skin cancer prevention efforts in Australia have increasingly incorporated a focus on protection during incidental sun exposure. This complements the long-present messages promoting protection in high-risk settings and avoidance of acute intense bouts of sun exposure.