Does gastrostomy improve the lives of children with severe disability and their families?Approximately 13,000 children in Australia live with moderate to severe intellectual disability.
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Towards evidence based care for Rett syndrome: a research model to inform management of rare disordersHelen Jenny Leonard Downs MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development and Disability +61 419 956 946 08
Jess KeeleyWithin the Child Disability Team Jess has contributed to research that aims to improve understanding and measurement of the communication of people with CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD) by conducting and analysing interviews with families.
Role of public and private funding in the rising caesarean section rate: A cohort studyOur results indicate that an increase in the prelabour caesarean delivery rate for private patients in private hospitals has been driving the increase in the...
Dental admissions in children under two years - A total-population investigationThis paper describes dental and oral cavity admissions and associated factors in children under two years of age using total-population databases.
Neonatal outcomes after preterm birth by mothers' health insurance status at birth: a retrospective cohort studyPublicly insured women usually have a different demographic background to privately insured women, which is related to poor neonatal outcomes after birth.
Hospitalisation rates for children with intellectual disability or autism born in Western Australia 1983-1999: A population-based cohort studyID and/or ASD were found to be associated with an increased risk of hospitalisation compared with the remainder of the population.