News & Events
Embracing the mental health of our children and young peopleEmbrace – a new research collaboration based at The Kids – will bring a new focus to understanding and improving the mental health of children and young people.
News & Events
NHMRC grants to benefit vulnerable and disadvantaged children and young peopleTwo leading The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers will use more than $1.1 million in National Health and Medical Research Council funding to improve outcomes for some of the world’s most vulnerable children and young people.
An Exploration of LGBTQA+ Young People’s Coping Strategies When Navigating Suicidal Thoughts and BehaviorsLGBTQA+ young people experience suicidal thoughts and behaviors at a much greater rate than their heterosexual and cisgender peers. This study explored firsthand accounts of the coping strategies employed by LGBTQA+ young people when experiencing suicidal thoughts and behaviors.
A critical discussion of pediatric gender measures to clarify the utility and purpose of “measuring” genderPediatric gender clinics and researchers commonly use scales to measure different dimensions of gender (e.g. identity, dysphoria, satisfaction). There has been little investigation into the relevance and consumer acceptability of these scales within contemporary understandings and experiences of gender.
Prevalence, distribution, and inequitable co-occurrence of mental ill-health and substance use among gender and sexuality diverse young people in Australia: epidemiological findings from a population-based cohort studyTo estimate the prevalence, distribution, and co-occurrence of mental ill-health and substance use among gender and sexuality diverse young people relative to their cisgender and heterosexual peers in Australia using population-level, nationally representative data.
‘Black Out Rage Gallon’ (aka borg): An investigation of a risky drinking trend on TikTokA 'Black Out Rage Gallon' (borg) is a customised, individual alcoholic beverage popularised on TikTok, whereby half the water in a gallon jug is replaced with alcohol (usually spirits), flavourings, electrolytes and caffeine. We investigated the characteristics and portrayal of the emerging alcohol trend associated with the hashtag descriptor #borg on TikTok.
Getting creative: Using art-based techniques to identify how arts organizations enhance young people’s well-beingMental health concerns present significant challenges for Australian youth. Arts organizations play a key role in promoting preventative mental health strate-gies through enhancing the social and emotional well-being (SEWB) of youth. However, little is known about how the arts promote SEWB and the processes and contexts through which this occurs.
Mental ill-health and substance use among sexuality diverse adolescents: The critical role of school climate and teacher self-efficacyMental ill-health, substance use and their co-occurrence among sexuality diverse young people during earlier adolescence is relatively understudied. The preventive utility of positive school climate for sexuality diverse adolescents' mental health is also unclear, as well as the role of teachers in conferring this benefit.
Web-Based Self-Compassion Training to Improve the Well-Being of Youth With Chronic Medical Conditions: Randomized Controlled TrialUp to one-third of young people live with chronic physical conditions (eg, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disease) that frequently involve recurrent pain, fatigue, activity limitations, stigma, and isolation.
The effectiveness of a day hospital mentalization-based therapy programme for adolescents with borderline personality traits: Findings from Touchstone—Child and Adolescent Mental Health ServiceIndividuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are at a substantial risk of harm to themselves and others, experience high levels of functional impairment and typically are high users of tertiary healthcare to address their mental health concerns. As indicators for BPD typically emerge in adolescence, a day therapy service in Bentley, Western Australia, Touchstone Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), was developed as an intensive intervention for adolescents with indicators for BPD and its associated symptomology.